Photo identification of Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) of Saint-Barthélemy.

Since 2020, photo-identification monitoring of green turtles in Saint-Barthélemy has made it possible to track changes in populations in the bays, to analyze their interactions with human activities and to collect all possible data without resorting to capture, in order to contribute to raising awareness about the protection of coastal marine ecosystems.


Tortues identifiées (15 février 2024)


Photographies références (15 février 2024)


Heures de travail sur le terrain (15 février 2024)


Heures d’analyse et de bancarisation (15 février 2024)

Participative science blog for turtle identification​

This blog contains all the records of identified turtles, and can be used by anyone who wants to try to identify a turtle.

See the blog

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Download the report (2020-2021-2022) French / English

